The information will be conveyed to everyone – ZTM Warszawa

The information will be conveyed to everyone

On 1 January 2012 the prices of all types of tickets will be changed. This is the second stage of the tariff change, which was announced last year. The information campaign organized by the Zarząd Transportu Miejskiego will start as early as on 8 October. The information about the changes in tariff and the new rules of returning the tickets will appear wherever the passengers of the public transport in Warsaw are.

From October 8, the information posters about the change in ticket fees will appear in the public transport vehicles. The posters will also be put up in display cases in front of the entrance to the subway stations and at the stations themselves (in Polish and English), as well as at SKM stations.

The posters will also be put up on the trains and stations of Koleje Mazowieckie and Warszawska Kolej Dojazdowa, in the display cases at the Warsaw Central Station in the ZTM Passenger Service Centres, as well as in the Warsaw district offices and the suburban communes.

From 8 October, the brochures will be available at the ZTM Passenger Service Centres, at Koleje Mazowieckie ticket offices and in the district and commune offices.

You will also be able to view the information spots on TVP Warsaw channel, on ZTM websites, public transport carriers, district and commune offices. At the same time, banners will appear on the websites of the ticket system operators.

On 15 October, the information posters will appear at the “Strefa” sales centres, as well as in the timetable display cases at the selected stops. On the same day, the information brochures will be put up in the public transport vehicles.

On 9 October, we will inform you until when and under what conditions the tickets with the current fee can be used.

Last modified 3 June 2019
