“Underground as a city-forming factor: threats and benefits” is the title of a scientific conference organized by the Public Transport Authority devoted to the fastest and the most effective means of public transport in Warsaw. The conference speakers are prominent experts.
The conference begins on 22 September in Gromada Hotel AT pl. Powstańców Warszawy 2, at 9:30 a.m.
ZTM director, Leszek Ruta, will open the conference and present the biggest advantages of the underground in Warsaw.
Prof. Krzysztof Stypuła from the Cracow University of Technology will deliver the next speech on the influences that underground train vibrations have on buildings and people. He will also present a solution how to prevent the negative consequences.
The presentation to be delivered by dr Andrzej Brzeziński from the Warsaw University of Technology, the co-author of Warsaw transport strategy, will concern a role that the underground plays in Warsaw transport system.
Andrzej M. Chołdzyński, a world famous architect, an author of the concept design of the central section of II Underground Line, will also have a presentation. He is to compare Paris and Warsaw undergrounds, and present among others, benefits and threats connected with development and functioning of the underground in these cities.
Zbigniew Chęć, a manager of the Department for Preparation and Execution of ZTM Investments will sum up the conference.
Published 21 September 2011
Last modified 3 June 2019