Great season of 2009 – ZTM Warszawa

Great season of 2009

Next edition of Warsaw Tourist Lines will be launched on May 1. Boats will sail on the Vistula and horse-drawn stagecoaches will tour around the Old Town. The season will end on September 12. The ZTM offer is very attractive, and this year season should be equally successful as the previous. Last year, 60 thousand persons travelled with Warsaw Tourist Lines.

The previous season of summer tourist lines was very successful. Over 30 thousand people rode by horse-drawn stagecoaches, traveled by a riverboat, or chose a trip to Zalew Zegrzyński on a boat. People also willingly used ferries to cross the Vistula river.

Weekend trips to Serock were particularly attractive. The tickets for Saturday and Sunday trips on “Generał Kutrzeba” boat were immediately sold out, and ZTM had to launch additional sails on Fridays on “Zefir” boat. The trips to Serock were a great opportunity not only to enjoy Mazovia landscapes and take photos of interesting objects such as, a sluice on Żerański Channel, but also to dance and relax on a beach in Serock. During the last season over two thousand people took part in the trips to Zalew Zegrzyński.

Over 21 thousand people traveled the “Wars” river boat that sails on the Vistula between Podzamcze, most Poniatowskiego, Cypel Czerniakowski, and Cytadela (Warsaw Citadel). The weekend trips were the most attractive. During the journeys, the passengers could listen to concerts (under “Sztuka nad Wisłą” festival) and the stories of Warsaw guide about the history and architecture of the capital city. The open air Photo Day 3.0 took also place on the riverboat and attracted almost a hundred of photography lovers. Almost half of the all riverboat passengers (47 percent) was interested in weekend trips.

Free ferries that sailed across the Vistula in various points (Podzamcze, Cypel Czerniakowski and Łomianki) were considered both a great attraction and transport facility. A numerous cyclists used the ferry for river crossings. On each ferry there are bicycle racks. Over 30 thousand people chose ferry crossing on the Vistula.

Almost seven thousand tourists and Warsaw citizens took a ride a horse-drawn stagecoach around the Old Town. The rides usually attracted whole families.

Apart from the attractions offered under Warsaw Tourist Lines, there was an opportunity to ride a historic tramway (T line) with wagons from a pre-war period and from the late 50’s and early 40’s. Also the route of 100 bus line was very attractive because it run near monuments, museums, and other interesting places of Warsaw.

Last modified 3 June 2019
