II Underground Line – The contract is concluded – ZTM Warszawa

II Underground Line – The contract is concluded

Two important events took place on 22 September in Warsaw. The first was the conference “Underground as a city-forming factor: threats and benefits”, organized by the Public Transport Authority.  The second was conclusion of a contract under which the EU fund will provide subsidy for the central section of the II Underground Line construction. Warsaw will receive 2.77 billion PLN.

The subsidy contract concerning the project “II Underground Line in Warsaw – Preparatory works, design and construction of the central section, and purchase of trains” was signed by the President of Warsaw, Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz and the director of The Center for EU Transport Projects, Anna Siejda.

The total cost of the biggest investment in Warsaw will be 5.92 billion PLN gross. The funds will cover, apart from preparatory works, design and construction of the central section of the II Underground Line and train purchase, designs of two next sections of the line. The Program Infrastructure and Environment provides the subsidy under Measure 7.3 “Development of city transport in metropolitan areas”.

Last modified 3 June 2019
