About ZTM – ZTM Warszawa

About ZTM

Public transport in Warsaw urban complex is managed and supervised by the Public Transport Authority in Warsaw, the member of the European Metropolitan Transport Authorities (EMTA). It provides transport to two million citizens of the Warsaw metropolitan area as well as connects Warsaw to its 33 neighboring communes.

Every day, passengers take over 3 million public transport trips. Many types of tickets are available, along with the Integrated Ticket, recognized by railway carriers, local bus lines, which are opened by Public Transport Authority and near-Warsaw commune self-governments.

Public Transport Authority came into being on the 1st of January 1992 by virtue of resolution of the Council of the Capital City of Warsaw. Its main goals are stated in charter and include organization, management and supervising of Public Transport in the urban complex of Warsaw.

30 years of experience with public transport organization as well as cooperation with executive organs related to local transport in major European metropolis resulted in creating an offer which is still expanding and fully meets the passengers’ needs.

Quality Management System functions in the Public Transport Authority (ZTM). After the audit in June 2017 by the Polish Centre for Tests and Certifications (Polskie Centrum Badań i Certyfikacji) and confirmation of compliance with the requirements of the Norm PN-EN ISO 9001:2015, ZTM obtained a certificate on Quality Management System. It is being successfully renewed to provide its constant validity.

The scope of the certificate covers 2 key processes of ZTM: Organisation and supervision over the implementation of transportation services and Customer Service in the Passenger Service Points  listed in the annex to the certificate as well as Passengers Transportation – an external process supervised by ZTM within the Quality Management System (the list of Passenger Service Points  listed in the attachment to the Certificate is consistent with the list of POPs on the WTP website in the Guide tab).

The primary purpose for the Public Transport Authority is aiming at satisfaction improvement of passengers using public transport. Priorities that ZTM follows when setting strategic directions and quality goals are included in the Quality Policy. The document, signed by the highest authorities of the Public Transport Authority also includes an obligation of all employees of ZTM to constantly improve the Quality Management System.

Interactive transport

The citizens of the Warsaw agglomeration are provided with buses, trams, metro, urban and the agglomeration railway system. Over 1500 buses, 400 trams and 30 underground trains shuttle every day. Moreover, railway system supplements public transport in Warsaw.

The citizens’ transport needs in the Warsaw agglomeration are monitored and analyzed on a regular basis by the Public Transport Authority. The collected records help create transport system which is quick and convenient to travelers of the Warsaw agglomeration.

Ticket catering for all needs

Public Transport Authority addressing the varied needs of the inhabitants has offered the passengers of public transport an extensive tariff. At present, the passengers can use time-limit, single fare, short-term and long-term tickets. Additionally, people who have reached the age of 65 can buy a cheap Senior Personal Pass which is valid for the whole year.

Long-term tickets are coded on contactless cards – personalized Warsaw City Card and Student Electronic Card.

The ticket sales network is being regularly extended. At present, the tickets can be bought not only in the ZTM Passenger Service Centers and newsstands but also in ticket vending machines installed in the vehicles and stationary ticket vending machines installed in many venues in the capital city – the metro stations, bus and train stations or interchanges. The passengers can also use the services “Ticket via mobile phone” and “Online ticket”.

ZTM-KM-WKD Integrated Ticket

Thanks to the “ZTM-KM-WKD Integrated Ticket” offer, the inhabitants of the towns near Warsaw may reach the capital quickly, cheaply and conveniently. The holders of the Integrated Ticket can travel within the designated area, both by public transport, trains of Warsaw Rail and Warsaw Suburb Rail with one ticket only.

Park & Ride

Public Transport Authority of Warsaw is implementing the project of construction of car parks in the “Park & Ride” system. The car parks are located near metro stations, train stations and big interchanges. The drivers are given an opportunity to leave the car in the car park and continue travelling by metro, train or tram, at the same time avoiding traffic jams. At the moment, the drivers may use 16 car parks with 4 654 parking places. In order to be entitled to park, a valid ticket is needed – from a daily one up.

Zarząd Transportu Miejskiego performs their activities based on:

  1. Resolution No. Nr XXIII/135/91 dated 16 December 1991 of the City Council of the capital city of Warsaw on establishing a budgetary unit acting as Zarząd Transportu Miejskiego,
  2. Act of 26 November 1998 on public finance (Journal of Laws of 2003, No. 15, item 148 as amended.),
  3. By-laws of Zarząd Transportu Miejskiego being the Annex to Resolution No. LII/1391/2005 of the City Council of the capital city of Warsaw dated 19 May 2005 on the By-laws of Zarząd Transportu Miejskiego, amended by Resolution No. LXXV/2265/2006 of the City Council of the capital city of Warsaw dated 18 May 2006 on amending the By-laws of Zarząd Transportu Miejskiego, as well as Resolution No. XXXIX/1171/2008 of the City Council of the capital city of Warsaw dated 28 August 2008 amending the resolution on the By-laws of Zarząd Transportu Miejskiego,
  4. Other applicable regulations of law.